Starter Kit "Turtle"


The Starter Kit “Turtle” is available in 80 cm with a water level of max. 20 cm. It offers plenty... more
The Starter Kit “Turtle” is available in 80 cm with a water level of max. 20 cm. It offers plenty of room for the permanent care of small turtle species like mud and musk turtles or for raising larger growing species like sliders.The lid not only prevents that the created heat is lost again to the top as it is the case with most turtle tanks, it also sports a UV tube and a low voltage halogen lamp, in splash proof sockets of course. The tube not only provides the basic lighting but also offers enough UVB radiation for a healthy bone and shell growth. The halogen lamp creates a cozy basking site on the provided swimming island. This island is constructed in a way that it adapts to the water level. Additional ventilation areas prevent a high humidity level inside the vivarium. Through the front hatch an easy access for feeding and front screen cleaning is possible. For larger maintenance work the lid can be removed. A powerful internal filter and a plastic plant are also included. The plant not only increases the attractiveness of the vivarium but also offers resting places to baby turtles that still cannot swim well and easily drown.It is possible to attach an external filter thanks to holes on the backside.
The Starter Kit “Turtle” is available in 80 cm with a water level of max. 20 cm. It offers plenty... more
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